Notation and Symbols#

Table 1 Common Notation#




a scalar


a vector


a scalar raised to a power, where \(y\) is a scalar


a vector in the coordinate system \(c\)


a vector from point A to point B (“B with respect to A”)

\({^r \dot{\vec{x}}}\)

the derivative of a vector taken in reference frame \(\mathcal{F}_r\)


a variable at index \(k\) of a sequence of length \(K\)


element \(n\) of a set of \(N\) elements

\(\mat{X}_{M \times N}\)

a matrix with \(M\) rows and \(N\) columns


a matrix exponential, where \(z\) is a scalar

\(\left| x \right|\)

absolute value of a scalar


Euclidean norm of a vector

\(\left| \mat{X} \right|\)

determinant of a matrix


the directed cosine matrix that transforms vectors from coordinate system \(a\) into coordinate system \(b\)


a quaternion that encodes the relative orientation of coordinate system \(b\) relative to coordinate system \(a\)


angular velocity vector of frame \(\mathcal{F}_b\) with respect to frame \(\mathcal{F}_a\)

\(f(\cdot)\), \(func(\cdot)\), etc

functions, where f, func, can be any identifier

Another notation which is useful when building systems of equations involving matrices is the cross-product matrix operator, so that \(\crossmat{\vec{v}} \vec{x} \equiv \vec{v} \times \vec{x}\):

\[\begin{split}\crossmat{\vec{v}} \defas \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -v_3 & v_2\\ v_3 & 0 & -v1\\ -v_2 & v_1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

By their nature, vectors require the most intricate notation, since a fully specified vector might include all of:

  1. A reference frame

  2. A coordinate system

  3. A fixed point (if it’s a bound vector)

For simplicity, Table 1 only shows examples of each distinct element of a vector encoding. In practice, vectors may appear quite complex; for some realistic examples taken from [12]:

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \vec{p}_{A/B} &\defas \text{the position of the point A with respect to point } B \\ \vec{v}_{A/i} &\defas \text{the velocity vector of a point } A \text{ in frame } \mathcal{F}_i \\ ^b \dot{\vec{v}}_{A/i} &\defas \text{the vector derivative of } \vec{v}_{A/i} \text{ taken in frame } \mathcal{F}_b \\ \vec{v}^c_{A/i} &\defas \text{array of components of } \vec{v}_{A/i} \text{ in coordinate system } c \\ ^b \dot{\vec{v}}^c_{A/i} &\defas \text{components in coordinate system } c \text{ of the derivative taken in frame } \mathcal{F}_b \end{aligned}\end{split}\]