9. Validation#
9.1. Foil aerodynamics#
The Foil aerodynamics chapter selected Phillips’ NLLT because it appeared to satisfy the Modeling requirements established at the beginning of this paper; this section uses wind tunnel measurements to validate that choice. First it recreates the geometry using the Simplified model, then it recreates the range of test conditions used by the experiment and tabulates the aerodynamic coefficients estimated by the NLLT. The estimates are compared to the wind tunnel data, as well as to other standard aerodynamic models commonly recommended for nonlinear geometries.
9.1.1. Geometry#
The geometry from a 2015 parafoil wind tunnel test [19] makes an excellent case study of a foil specification from literature that positions the sections using alternative reference points on the section chords. Moreover, the geometry satisfies the assumptions of the Simplified model, making an implementation of the geometry almost trivial.
First, the paper describes the geometry of the full-scale canopy they wish to study:
Property |
Value |
Unit |
Arch height |
3.00 |
m |
Central chord |
2.80 |
m |
Projected area |
25.08 |
m2 |
Projected span |
11.00 |
m |
Projected aspect ratio |
4.82 |
– |
Flat area |
28.56 |
m2 |
Flat span |
13.64 |
m |
Flat aspect ratio |
6.52 |
– |
For the wind tunnel test, a one-eighth scale physical model was constructed from a wood-carbon frame with polyurethane foam sections covered in fiberglass. Physical dimensions and positions were provided for the physical model as pointwise data with linear interpolation between each point.
\(i\) |
\(y\) [m] |
\(z\) [m] |
\(c\) [m] |
\(r_x\) |
\(r_{yz}\) |
\(\theta\) [deg] |
0 |
-0.688 |
0.000 |
0.107 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
3 |
1 |
-0.664 |
-0.097 |
0.137 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
3 |
2 |
-0.595 |
-0.188 |
0.198 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0 |
3 |
-0.486 |
-0.265 |
0.259 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0 |
4 |
-0.344 |
-0.325 |
0.308 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0 |
5 |
-0.178 |
-0.362 |
0.339 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0 |
6 |
0.000 |
-0.375 |
0.350 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0 |
7 |
0.178 |
-0.362 |
0.339 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0 |
8 |
0.344 |
-0.325 |
0.308 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0 |
9 |
0.486 |
-0.265 |
0.259 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0 |
10 |
0.595 |
-0.188 |
0.198 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0 |
11 |
0.664 |
-0.097 |
0.137 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
3 |
12 |
0.688 |
0.000 |
0.107 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
3 |
It is important to notice the difference between the section numbers \(i\)
used in the paper and the section indices \(s\) used in the simplified
model; the section indices are easily calculated using the normalized linear
distance along the \(\left< y, z \right>\) points. Also, the reference data
is defined with the wing tips at \(z = 0\), whereas the convention of this
paper places the canopy origin at the leading edge of the central section; this
is easily accommodated by subtracting the central \(z = -0.375\) from all
\(z\)-coordinates. (Alternatively, the
of the simplified model in
can shift the origin automatically.)
Fig. 9.1 NACA 23015#
Calculating the section indices for each point and using linear interpolation as a function of the section index produces a set of piecewise-linear design curves, and assigning every section a NACA 23015 airfoil (Fig. 9.1) completes the foil geometry model.
Fig. 9.2 Chord surface for Belloc’s reference paraglider wing.#
Fig. 9.3 Profile surface for Belloc’s reference paraglider wing.#
9.1.2. Wind tunnel setup#
The setup mounted the 1/8-scale model on a 1 meter rod connected to force sensors, and set the wind tunnel to a 40 m/s airspeed. Measurements were taken with the angle of attack and sideslip ranging over \(-5 < \alpha < 22\) and \(-15 < \beta < 15\) (a range suitable capturing longitudinal performance post-stall). For better accuracy, wind tunnel measurements should be corrected for wall interactions with the flow ([49]; [8], Sec. 10.3). However, because classical wind tunnel wall corrections assume a flat wing, the data for the arched parafoil are uncorrected for wall effects.
9.1.3. Aerodynamics models#
The wind tunnel data will be compared to three theoretical aerodynamics models, one that includes viscous effects, and two that do not (inviscid models):
NLLT: the numerical lifting-line model from [21]
AVL: an extended vortex lattice method by Mark Drela [41] (who also authored XFOIL [47] while at MIT) . With a long history in academic research, this is the primary reference for comparing the results of the NLLT.
XFLR5: an experimental vortex lattice method from the open source wing modeling tool by André Deperrois. This model is marked “experimental” by the author because it is still under development, but the principle is to mitigate the “small angles” approximation relied on by standard vortex lattice methods by reorienting the foil geometry instead of reorienting the flow. The purpose of including this method in these tests is to show the effect of the simplifying assumptions used when designing the system of equations for aerodynamics models. For conventional aircraft where the flow angles are relatively small, small angle approximations are reasonable, but for nonlinear geometries at large angles of attack, classic methods such as AVL begin to struggle.
9.1.4. Results# Lift vs drag#
The standard way to summarize the efficiency of a wing is to plot the amount of lift it produces versus the amount of drag; with practice, such charts can be used to quickly approximate performance characteristics such as its glide ratio. They are also useful for quickly comparing the relative performance of each aerodynamics method.
Fig. 9.4 Lift vs induced drag#
The first thing step during validation is to verify the test setup for each of the models. One way to do that is by comparing methods that are expected to produce equivalent results; in this case, the inviscid methods from AVL and XFLR5 should be nearly identical at low angles of attack, and should estimate zero drag at zero lift coefficient and zero sideslip. Because the NLLT uses aerodynamic coefficients that include viscous effects it is not directly comparable to the inviscid models, but because viscosity is not expected to have a significant effect on lift at low angles of attack, it is possible to disregard the viscous drag coefficients and plot the pseudo-inviscid polar curve by setting the viscous drag coefficients to zero, as shown in Fig. 9.4. (This is a “pseudo” inviscid curve since the section lift coefficients used by the NLLT include viscous effects.) The resulting drag coefficient is limited to drag produced by the creation of lift, as would be predicted by the inviscid methods. This plot is useful because it validates that the geometry model and test conditions were configured correctly in all tools, and provides evidence that the NLLT was implemented correctly.
Fig. 9.5 Lift vs drag#
The second plot (Fig. 9.5) compares the inviscid methods to the NLLT with the unadjusted aerodynamic coefficients from XFOIL. The first thing to note is the difference compared to the pseudo-inviscid plot (Fig. 9.4): as expected, including viscous drag significantly improves the agreement between the theoretical and experimental results for the NLLT. Another observation is the significance of the inviscid assumption, with both inviscid methods overestimating lift and underestimating drag at higher angles of attack. This plot also appears to show the effect of the “small angles” approximation relied on by AVL, with the experimental “tilted geometry” method from XFLR5 providing better accuracy at high angles of attack and sideslip.
Fig. 9.6 Lift vs drag with extra viscous drag due to “surface characteristics”#
A final plot (Fig. 9.6) is more for future reference than validation. Instead of the unadjusted aerodynamic coefficients from XFOIL, it adds the additional viscous drag due to “surface characteristics” suggested in [43] as a result of their wind tunnel tests on parafoils. Because this empirical adjustment will be used in the Demonstration portion of this paper, this plot is useful to show the expected accuracy of the NLLT when applied to a model of commercial paraglider wing used for dynamic simulations. Coefficients vs angle of attack#
Another valuable way to summarize wing behavior is to plot the longitudinal-centric coefficients (lift, drag, and pitching moment) versus the angle of attack \(\alpha\). These results are grouped into four quadrants by the sideslip angle \(\beta\) used during the test.
Fig. 9.7 Lift coefficient vs angle of attack#
The first (and arguably most interesting) plot is for lift versus angle of attack (Fig. 9.7). Separating lift into its own plot reveals the source of the flatline region in the “Lift vs drag” plots; the wing enters stall (so lift ceases to grow) at approximately \(\alpha = 17°, \beta = 0°\), and slightly earlier during sideslip (although the nonlinearity of the geometry dramatically affects the stall pattern and “smooths” the effect making it more difficult to see).
The more interesting result, however, is that all three theoretical methods are in very close agreement for the majority of the range, they all mispredict the zero-lift angle of attack, and they all uniformly overestimate the slope of the lift curve. This anomaly is difficult to explain; at \(\beta = 0°\) and low angles of attack, the effects of viscosity should have a negligible effect on lift, and the vortex lattice methods should perform very well, but they don’t. The fact that the NLLT agrees with them is encouraging (again, the fact that it uses lift coefficients that account for viscosity should have a negligible effect in this test, and so the NLLT is expected to agree with the inviscid methods). I contacted the authors of both the wind tunnel data and the NLLT, and neither author had any immediate feedback on what would cause this issue. Nevertheless, there are two useful takeaways:
The NLLT is at least as accurate as the inviscid methods.
The NLLT is approximating the nonlinear effects of early stall, whereas the inviscid methods maintain a virtually linear response. This is an encouraging sign that the NLLT is a suitable choice given my Modeling requirements that the aerodynamics should provide “graceful degradation of accuracy” as it approaches high angles of attack.
This plot also highlights a limitation of relying on aerodynamic coefficients: the NLLT cannot produce a solution if any of the sections experience a section-local angle of attack that exceeds the range supported by the set of aerodynamic coefficients. This is effect is clear as the sideslip angle increases: because the wing is arched, as sideslip becomes positive (so the relative wind approaches from the right of the wing) the angle of attack on the left wingtip increases. As a result, as soon as global \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) produce a section-local \(\alpha\) that exceeds the maximum value in the coefficients lookup table, the NLLT cannot produce a solution. The inviscid models, on the other hand, are founded on linear relationships with no upper bound, allowing them to generate estimates at significantly higher angles of attack and sideslip. Whether a bad estimate is better than no estimate, however, depends on the application.
Fig. 9.8 Drag coefficient vs angle of attack#
When considering drag versus angle of attack (Fig. 9.8), the most noteworthy details are how all three methods fail to predict the rapid increase in drag as the wing enters the stall region, and how the “tilted geometry” of the XFLR5 model allows it to more accurately track the shape (if not the value) of the viscous solution.
Fig. 9.9 Pitching coefficient vs angle of attack.#
Another coefficient that has a strong impact on the pitch stability of a paraglider canopy is the pitching moment versus angle of attack (Fig. 9.9). This plot can be viewed as pre- and post-stall conditions (before and after \(\alpha = 17°\) in the \(\beta = 0°\) quadrant), and are worth considering separately.
In the pre-stall region, the plot shows how a negative pitching moment grows with \(\alpha\), resulting in negative feedback that provides a restoring force back to equilibrium. If the wing pitches backwards, the negative pitching moment will help bring the canopy back overhead into a stable position.
In the post-stall region, the effect of flow separation can be seen in the experimental data by the sudden flat response of the pitching coefficient to \(\alpha\). This reason is complex, but informative:
Because the lift vector at positive \(\alpha\) points forwards, lift creates a negative (forward) pitching moment. At stall, lift decreases, which increases \(C_m\).
Because drag points backwards, it creates a positive (backwards) pitching moment. At stall, drag dramatically increases, which also increases \(C_m\).
At stall, flow separation typically starts at the trailing edge on the upper surface. The loss of pressure creates a negative (forwards) pitching moment, which decreases \(C_m\).
For the wind tunnel model, it appears that (again, for the \(\beta = 0°\) case) these effects are counteracting each other, producing a relatively flat \(C_m\) in the post-stall region. The inviscid method used by AVL fails to capture the nonlinearity of flow separation, causing it to overestimate the lift and underestimate drag that together producing a significantly inaccurate pitching moment post-stall. (Unfortunately the experimental method in XFLR5 had a bug that produced zero sideforce, so its results are omitted.) The NLLT performs much better, but still highlights the effect of using the well-known “optimistic” estimates produced by XFOIL near the stall region; and again, the NLLT fails to converge when the section-local \(\alpha\) of the downwind wingtip exceeds the maximum \(\alpha\) supported by the coefficients lookup table instead of producing progressively more incorrect results. Coefficients vs sideslip#
A third perspective of wing behavior is to plot the coefficients that affect motion in the \(y\)-direction (sideforce, rolling moment, and yawing moment) versus angle of sideslip \(\beta\). These results are grouped into four quadrants by the angle of attack \(\alpha\) used during the test. Unfortunately, the experimental method in XFLR5 had a bug that produced zero sideforce, which is also coupled to the roll and yaw moments, so its results are omitted.
Fig. 9.10 Lateral force coefficient vs sideslip#
Plotting sideforce vs sideslip (Fig. 9.10) showed good agreement between the experimental data and both theoretical models, although the NLLT has a slight accuracy advantage over the inviscid method.
Fig. 9.11 Rolling coefficient vs sideslip#
In the rolling moment versus sideslip test (Fig. 9.11) we find the only examples where the inviscid method outperforms the NLLT, but otherwise this plot demonstrates no noteworthy effects.
Fig. 9.12 Yawing coefficient vs sideslip#
The last plot, for the yawing moment versus sideslip (Fig. 9.12) has several similarities to Fig. 9.9, except instead of demonstrating the pitch stability of the wing, it demonstrates the yaw stability of the wing. When the relative wind approaches from the right (\(\beta > 0°\)) a positive yaw moment will turn the canopy into the wind, and vice-versa for wind from the left. And again, the effect of failing to accurately model stall conditions on individual sections (the downwind sections, specifically) causes both methods to overestimate the restoring moment. Nevertheless, the NLLT succeeded in capturing at least part of the effect, once again proving the value of the method over purely inviscid solutions.
9.2. Niviuk Hook 3 system dynamics#
The previous chapter provided a Demonstration of how to estimate the parameters of the component models for a commercial paraglider wing. Having defined the component models, they are combined into a composite System dynamics model that provides the behavior of the complete glider. Getting to this point with such little information required many modeling assumptions, simplifications, approximations, and outright guesswork, so the natural next step is to question the validity of the model: how accurately does it estimate the true behavior of the physical system? In any modeling project it is vital to validate the model by comparing its estimates to experimental data, and this case is no exception.
Unfortunately, experimental data is extremely scarce for commercial paraglider wings. Unlike the previous section, wind tunnel measurements are unavailable. What’s worse, the dynamic behavior of a wing in motion is significantly more complex than the static behavior of a wing held fixedly in a wind tunnel. As a result, validation is limited to point data and general expectations gleaned from sources such as glider certifications and consumer wing reviews. Clearly such sources lack the rigor to “prove” model accuracy, but — when taken together — they can still provide incremental confidence that a model is adequate to answer basic questions of wing performance.
9.2.1. Polar curve#
The conventional way to summarize the performance of a gliding aircraft is with a chart called the polar curve. These curves show the vertical and horizontal speed of the aircraft at equilibrium over the range of brake and accelerator inputs, providing information such as the speed range of the glider and its glide ratio at different speeds. Given the wealth of information compactly communicated by a polar curve, they are an excellent starting point for critiquing the estimates of a flight dynamics model for a glider.
The previous section demonstrated the creation of a paraglider model for a Niviuk Hook 3, size 23. Now, models for the larger sizes of the wing (created using the same workflow) will be compared to experimental data by comparing measurements from test flights to the predicted polar curves. Size 25#
The experimental data for this section is taken from a size 25 version of the wing that was reviewed for the French magazine “Parapente Mag”. Unfortunately, reviews such as this cannot provide the entire polar curve: because each point is laborious to measure accurately, reviews only provide noteworthy values, such as the minimum and maximum speeds, or the horizontal and vertical speeds that mark the “minimum sink” and “best glide” operating points of the glider. Despite this ambiguity, by plotting the experimental point data over the theoretical curve it is possible to get a sense of the general accuracy of the model estimates.
Fig. 9.13 Polar curve for Niviuk Hook 3 size 25#
Colored markings are theoretical data from the model, black markings are experimental data from Parapente Mag. Red represents symmetric braking, green represents accelerating, and the blue diagonal line marks the predicted best glide ratio. The three black vertical lines mark the experimental values for minimum speed, trim speed, and maximum speed; the left black dot is the “minimum sink” operating point, and the right dot is the “best glide” operating point.
If the model is a good approximation of the glider that generated the data — and assuming the data was collected accurately — then the experimental values should match the predicted values:
The minimum ground speed should align with the leftmost endpoint of the red curve
Trim speed should align with the point where the red and green curves connect
The maximum ground speed should align with the rightmost endpoint of the green curve
The “minimum sink” operating point should lie on the point where the curve reaches its minimum
The “best glide” operating point should lie on the point where the blue line touches the polar curve
Although the diagram is a convenient way to summarize so much information it can be hard to distinguish specific values, so their numerical equivalents are listed below.
Value |
Experimental |
Simulated |
Error |
Minimum speed |
6.7 |
7.4 |
+10% |
Minimum sink <h, v> |
9.22, 1.02 |
9.6, 1.06 |
+4.2%, +3.9% |
Trim speed |
10.6 |
10.2 |
-3.8% |
Maximum speed |
14.4 |
14.7 |
+2.08% |
Best glide <h, v> |
10.4, 1.12 |
10.2, 1.08 |
-1.9%, -3.6% |
Best glide ratio |
9.3 |
9.44 |
+1.5% |
The minimum ground speed of the theoretical model is significantly higher than the experimental value. That may be explained by the conservative value of \(\kappa_b = 0.44 \, [m]\) (the maximum distance the brakes can be pulled; see the earlier discussion when defining the parameters for the Brakes). The review listed the maximum brake length as >60cm, which suggests that this model can only apply <73% of the full range of brakes, so this result in unsurprising.
Minimum sink occurs at about 0.4 m/s slower ground speed. This may be related to the procedure to generate the deflected Profiles, to the deflection distribution, or to the aerodynamic coefficient estimates from XFOIL.
Minimum sink rate is remarkably close (1.06 versus 1.02 m/s), which I find surprising since I expected the “optimistic” airfoil set Fig. 8.4 to overestimate lift during braking.
The theoretical model underestimates the ground speed at trim. Although this could be due to it overestimating the drag, it is far more likely that the model is overestimating the lift of the wing, so less speed is required to counteract the weight of the glider.
This experimental data reported the best glide at 10.4 m/s when trim was 10.6 m/s. This disagrees with our earlier assumption that best glide should occur at trim.
The model overestimates the maximum ground speed. This may suggest it is underestimating drag, or it could suggest that the model parameters are wrong (\(\kappa_C\) in particular has a large impact on maximum speed), or it could be because this rigid body model neglects foil deformations (it assumes the accelerator produces a perfect pitch-rotation of the foil) as well as the section profile deformations that increase with speed.
In truth, these observations are just a few of the possible issues with the theoretical model (not to mention issues with the experimental data itself); there are so many simplifications at work, and point data cannot hope to reveal all their flaws. These results suggest that the performance of the model is excellent when predicting longitudinal equilibrium, but a wider variety of wing models need to be examined to determine if this excellence generalizes to other wings. Size 27#
The experimental data for this section is taken from a size 27 version of the wing that was reviewed for the Spanish magazine “Parapente”. As with the size 25 model, plotting the experimental data on top of the theoretical curves produces valuable reference data:
Fig. 9.14 Polar curve for Niviuk Hook 3 size 27#
Colored markings are theoretical data from the model, black markings are experimental data from Parapente. Red represents symmetric braking, green represents accelerating, and the blue diagonal line marks the predicted best glide ratio. The three black vertical lines mark the experimental values for minimum speed, trim speed, and maximum speed; the left black dot is the “minimum sink” operating point, and the right dot is the “best glide” operating point.
As before, the numerical equivalents of the data in the figure above:
Value |
Experimental |
Simulated |
Error |
Minimum groundspeed |
6.7 |
7.83 |
+17% |
Minimum sink <h, v> |
9.72, 1.15 |
10.2, 1.12 |
+4.9%, -2.6% |
Trim speed |
11.1 |
10.8 |
-2.7% |
Maximum speed |
15 |
15.4 |
+2.7% |
Best glide <h, v> |
11.1, 1.17 |
10.8, 1.13 |
-2.7%, -3.4% |
Best glide ratio |
9.5 |
9.52 |
0.21% |
The observations are similar to that for the size 25 model. Overall the fit is excellent. This model was limited to \(\kappa_b = 0.46 \, [m]\), or <76% of the usable “>60cm” brake length, so the minimum ground speed is still too high. And again, the model underestimates the ground speed at trim. The best glide ratio matches exactly, although the theoretical model still slightly underestimates the ground speed where that occurs.
9.2.2. Pitch stability#
Another simple sanity check is to verify the glider pitch stability by flying on a straight course at maximum speed and abruptly releasing the accelerator ([48], Sec. 4.1.5). Releasing the accelerator shifts the payload to shift aft, causing the canopy to pitch backwards; in the positive-pitch position the glider briefly ascends as it converts the energy from its high airspeed into altitude, but because the wing loses airspeed so quickly it will “overshoot” its equilibrium point and need to dive forward as the glider attempts to reestablish equilibrium.
The danger of this pitch-forward behavior is that it may induced a frontal collapse of the canopy. To estimate the safety margin of the wing, the test assigns a grade based on the negative pitch angle as it dives forward. If the wing pitches forward less than 30° it receives an “A”; if it pitches forward 30–60° it receives a “C”, and for >60° it receives an “F”. The Niviuk Hook 3 is rated as an “B” wing, and should not pitch forward more than 30°. Using this model to simulate the test protocol by releasing the accelerator in 0.3s produces:
Fig. 9.15 Flight test, rapidly exiting accelerated flight, side view#
Black lines are drawn from the riser to the point directly above the payload to help visualize the canopy pitch angle, and are added every 0.5 seconds.
Fig. 9.16 Flight test, rapidly exiting accelerated flight, pitch angle#
The model predicts the wing configuration will pitch backwards 23° before diving forwards to a pitch angle of -13° which satisfies the expected grading. Although this test is not particularly informative, it’s simplicity makes it worthwhile.
9.2.3. Steady-state turn#
Although the simplicity of longitudinal dynamics make them the best place to start testing a model, the more difficult tests are for the dynamic behavior. One simple test is to check the behavior during a steady 360° maneuver and compare them to the “guidelines” in [13] that lists approximate sink rates and turn radii as a function of bank angle. The method does come with some caveats, however: for example, the author does is not discussing a specific glider, so these values are assumed to be averages of wing performance; this this is a midrange paraglider wing, it is assumed to be “average”. Also, the author does not define the control inputs, but standard piloting practice is to use a combination of weight shift and brake for an efficient turn, so it is safe to assume the author is describing situations with those control inputs. Simulating this scenario produces the results in Fig. 9.17:
Fig. 9.17 Steady-state turn at a 20° bank angle, top-down view#
Value |
Guideline |
Simulated |
Error |
Turn radius [m] |
~12 |
20 |
+67% |
Sink rate [m/s] |
~1.1 |
1.5 |
+36% |
360° turn rate [sec] |
~11.5 |
16 |
+40% |
Unlike the accurate estimates for the polar curves, which measured steady-state, longitudinal dynamics, this model clearly struggles with this test. It is unclear what is causing the discrepancy, but it is an important counterpoint that highlights the many dimensions of model accuracy. It is also suggests a direction for future work on weight shift modeling.